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2018年12月18日 07:23 | 來源:商務(wù)部微信公眾號
















Thank you, Madame Chair,

It is great to see the USTR colleagues in Geneva. It brings me back the memories of the years of China's accession negotiations to the WTO. The limited knowledge of the WTO I had at that time, about half of it came from the books, and another half came from the US colleagues who were our counterparts in the accession negotiations. I remember one of the USTR colleagues told me proudly that “the GATT and WTO rules are in our blood”. Indeed, establishment of the WTO rules and development of the multilateral trading system to a large extent owes much to our colleagues from the United States。

Just over a month ago, one of the legendary figures in the American movie industry - Stan Lee - passed away. This is a great loss for all fans of comic movies around the world. Stan Lee co-created many superheroes that we know, including Spider-Man, the X-Men, Iron Man, and many others. My favourite is Spider-Man. What impressed me the most is not Spider-Man's superhuman abilities, but rather this line from the movie: "With great power comes great responsibility". And Spider-Man certainly lived up to that。

This power and responsibility equation applies not only to the superheroes, but also to us as human beings and countries. Stan Lee passed away and took Spider-Man away. It is also unfortunate that we are seeing, since the last trade policy review, especially during the last year, a different America with severe mis-matched power and responsibility. An America that:

--imposed "section 232" measures on steel and aluminium products, allowing protectionism to be at large under the pretext of the so-called national security;

--applied "section 301" measures to vastly increase tariffs, bringing back to life the ghost of unilateralism that has been dormant for decades;

--blocked the selection of Appellate Body members, practically digging out the crown-jewel of the multilateral trading system。

Madame Chair,For all members, I think it is hard to accept tariff increases on steel and aluminium products based on dubious national security concerns. We do not believe that the United States is not aware that its unilateral "section 301" measures are inconsistent with its WTO commitments. And we cannot side with the statement that putting the Appellate Body in a paralysis will make it more effective。

Economic globalization brings opportunities as well as challenges, for all countries. In a competition, we cannot expect ourselves always to come out as the winner; in a cooperation, we cannot expect only to take and not to give; and in a negotiation, we cannot reach a mutually acceptable result only by exerting pressure.We all need to address challenges of economic globalization. China needs to do so and the United States needs to do so. The right way is not to erect trade barriers, but rather to have initiatives domestically to help those most-affected to adjust, and to strengthen consultation and coordination with trading partners so as to cultivate stable international environment for all. The same goes for the WTO. If the roof of this building is leaking, we should work together to fix it, rather than dismantling it and exposing all of us to rains and storms。

Recently, China along with the EU and a number of members tabled a joint proposal for the reform of the WTO Appellate Body. We very much hope that the United States will constructively engage in this discussion. Members have also shared their thoughts about the overall reform of the WTO, and in this regard, China has proposed three principles and five suggestions. We look forward to working together with all members, including the United States, to push for necessary reforms at the WTO through consultations on equal grounds, to make this organization up-to-date with the realities, adaptable to the developments of the economic globalization and responsive to the expectations from the global business community。

Madame Chair, coming back to the power and responsibility equation, whether it is a small family or an international organization, a top dog should act like a top dog. It cannot only see a narrow spectrum of its own self-interest, and it certainly should not do whatever it wishes at the sacrifice of the others. Please allow me to conclude with a quote from Winston Churchill’s speech at the Harvard University in 1943: “The price of greatness is responsibility... it has been, it will become indisputable in the future. The people of the United States cannot escape world responsibility。”

Thank you, Madame Chair。




